Posted by rcontreras2188 at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Are you someone who normally listens to music while studing? Why or why not?
I am a person who listens to music while studing because music helps me concentrate. I focus better and i'm in my own world. I take my mind off things that is unimportant.
How was your score on the quiz? Did the number surprise you? Why or why not?
My score on the quiz was 881. Actually the number didn't surprise me because it was actually kind of easy and I wasn't worried about my score.
During the techbrarian distraction test was there any type of music that distracted you? If so explain why or why not?
No. Not really.
How do you think you would have done if there were math problems instead of a story?
I think I would've done okay because I'm not that bad at math.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Is bottled water cleaner and tastier then tap?
I say that bottled water is not tastier and cleaner then tap because tap is way healthier then bottled water , tap water is easily attainable than bottled water, and tap water is safer and cheaper. Bottled water doesn't have regulations by the FDA. The bottles of the bottled water is way dirtier then tap water because of the plastic bottles.
How is bottled water made? Where does it go after you throw it away?
Bottled water is made from a private well that is treated and filtered and then placed in bottles for sale. After someone throws out a bottled water I think someone collects it and filters it again.
What can you do to solve this bottled water problem?
I think we can solve this problem by reusing the bottles of water.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 10:03 AM 0 comments
1. Three advantages of having war simulations?
Out numbering them
Fighting on your own homeland
Being prepared
2. What do you think this technology would look like in 10 years?
More advance
Better organized
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:40 PM 0 comments
1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand to hand com - bat? How is it similar?
When your fighting with hands you use guns, fists, bombs and kill more people. Using the predator drones it's only a plane that shoots people and throw bombs from any distance while your safe.
2. Is it fair to fight an enemy with predator drones when your enemy doesn't have that technology?
I say that it is fair if your enemy doesn't have the technology because they shouldn't be in the war. That's there lesson learned.
3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?
My answer is no because it's tough for the human mind and your going to a place where there is so much danger and if you get hurt you won't get back home to see your family.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Game Show
“I'm Jaden Barker and I'd like to welcome you to another episode of ‘The Sock is stinky!’”
The audience applauds wild.
“Our contestant is Rossette contreras, all the way from cooltown, New york. Hello, Rossette contreras. Welcome to the show!”
“Thank you, Jaden. I feel Good to be here!”
“Well then, let's start the show. Our game for tonight is Hob knocker. The object of the game is to guide the dustbunny through the maze so that it lands on a number, from 2 to 124. The higher the number, the more points you win. The more points you win, the better the prize. But the catch is, you get only one chance. Are you ready? Here's the dustbunny. Have a go at it!”
The dustbunny drops on the largest number.
“Well, Rossette contreras, you just won yourself a brand new motorcycle! What do you think of that?”
“Well,” says Rossette contreras while jumping up and down, “That's great. Except, I'm only 12 years old, so I can't drive it yet. But it will be really cool to be driven to school in it! Thanks!”
The audience applauds. Cut to commercial.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 4:31 PM 0 comments
An Odd Animal
The bobaroni is an animal that has red fur with purple spots on its toe and eye. Its tail is shaped like a(n) sneaker which it uses to eat hair. An adult bobaroni may weigh more than 144 pounds and stand over 124 feet high.
The bobaroni can be found only in alaska and hawaii. Although its favorite food is hotdogs, it also likes to eat socks. If you ever see a(n) bobaroni, be sure not to ever sing “rude boy.” That song makes it wild. Instead, give it a few hotdogs and be on your way.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 4:12 PM 0 comments
5 ways to tell that you are addicted to gaming
1. You are playing 24/7
2. you don't get enough sleep
3. you don't pay attention to things happening around you
4. your head goes crazy
5. gaming becomes a priority in your life.
People becomes addicted to gaming is because there's things people are afraid to do in real life that is very easy to do in video games. When they play video games they fall apart at don't have no strengh because they stay up 24/7 and they turn into a way different person
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Do you think it is possible to be addicted to gaming? Why or why not?
Answer:I think it is possible to be addicted to gaming because if someone really likes a game and is into there game then there would slowly get addicted to it as they play the game. Also for example in the movie a kid named Ying lee played a game on his laptop for 7 to 8 hours no stop on his computer.
What happens in treatment for gaming addiction in south korea?
Answer:Try to get the kids to stop playing on there computer
What where some differences you noticed between american culture and korean culture?
Answer: In american culture we play online with friends from all over the country and the in korean culture they play pc games and they eat sitting we eat at a table.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Me interviewing Joseph
1. what information and images are okay to post? Whats not okay to post?
Answer: Images that are okay to post would be family photos and cartoons. Things that are not okay to post would be images about where you live and nude photos.
2. Have you ever posted something that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?
Answer: NO
3. Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?
Answer: Yes
4. How might things you post online affect your future?
Answer: You would not get into a good job if people see things online that is not good.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:43 AM 0 comments
1. when people are snoring to loud
2. when people talk with there mouth full
3. when people don't where deodorant
4. siblings
5. when people don't take showers
6. sounds coming from rafeal
7. When people are ball hoggers
8. when food comes out cold
9. when lights flicker
10. tight spaces
11. group hugs
12. hot drinks
13. summer
14. Justin bieber
15. loud mouths
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 6:12 AM 1 comments
1. Rob a house
2. Kill someone
3. Throw a rock at a car window
4. stab someone
5. steal someone's baby
6. throw someone in front of a train
7. throw a kid off a cliff
8. abuse someone
9. run over people with a car
10. steal a car
11. start a fire in a house
12. scare people on halloween
13. steal kids candies
14. take a hand purse from an old lady
15. start dog fights
16. kill a cop
17. be a class clown
18. throw my sister out the window
19. drown people
20. buy food with out paying
21. Throw a bowling ball at someone
22. slap someone with out having a good reason
23. throw someone off a chair
24. throw all the food off the shelf in super markets
25. throw cherry bombs at people for no reason
26. slice someone's neck
27. break someone's thumb
28. steal jewelry
29. scratch up a chalk board
30. let all dogs free
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:57 AM 0 comments
10 things that can happen on your way to school would be.............
1. get ran over by a car
2. fall in acid
3. trip over a rock
4. step on poop
5. get robbed
6. get jumped by a homeless person
7. fall in a puddle
8. sneakers fall apart
9. pants ripped
10. backpack fell apart
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:59 AM 0 comments
10 reasons you should skip bathing for a week would be because...............
1. studying
2. don't want to
3. hospital
4. sick
5. no hot water
6. a bet
7. spider is in the tub
8. your brother or sister won't come out of the bathroom
9. you are homeless
10. you got kick out of the house
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:46 AM 0 comments
7 top things that can happen to bad people would be........
1. Fall in acid
2. die
3. Get ran over
4. get jumped
5. lose your head
6. break a body part
7. Let a plane fall on them
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 6:28 AM 0 comments
The worst thing i would say would be.......
5. ITS OKAY...........................SIKE
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 6:18 AM 1 comments
To me the 12 worst movies I have ever saw was.................
1. Alice and wonder land
2. twilight
3.hannah montana the movie
4. new moon
5. high school musical
6. high school musical 2
7. high school musical 3
8. Alvin and the chipmunk 2
9. lost
10. open water
11. cat women
12. spider man 1,2 and 3
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 6:05 AM 0 comments
The ten best reasons I would share my room with my best friend would be.......
1. We can have more time to hang out
2. We can play a lot of video games/board games
3. Tell secrets
4. have laughs
5. tell jokes
6. watch movies
7. have a pillow fight
8. stay up as long as we want
9. have sleepovers
10. we can make pranks
AND MY BEST FRIEND IS..................................
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Love at first sight is when you look in someone's eyes and you feel a close connection, or sparks. It's when your heart beating real fast and you are dieing to talk to them but you feel that you will start to blush. Love at first sight is when you always look back at your memories and think of that person twenty four seven.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:42 AM 0 comments
This is a painting that has my name on it. I got it when I was in China town buying psp games and fruits for us to eat.LOL it was delicious. The only reason I picked chris brown on it because they had wack stuff like hannah montana, Jonas brothers, and other baby stuff. I also picked this because Chris Brown is my favorite guy singer. He is so cool. I like his dance moves.
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 3:02 PM 0 comments
If today was my last day I would do so many things such as.......
Posted by rcontreras2188 at 5:56 AM 0 comments