Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Game Addiction part 2

5 ways to tell that you are addicted to gaming

1. You are playing 24/7
2. you don't get enough sleep
3. you don't pay attention to things happening around you
4. your head goes crazy
5. gaming becomes a priority in your life.

People becomes addicted to gaming is because there's things people are afraid to do in real life that is very easy to do in video games. When they play video games they fall apart at don't have no strengh because they stay up 24/7 and they turn into a way different person

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gaming addiction Part 1

Do you think it is possible to be addicted to gaming? Why or why not?

Answer:I think it is possible to be addicted to gaming because if someone really likes a game and is into there game then there would slowly get addicted to it as they play the game. Also for example in the movie a kid named Ying lee played a game on his laptop for 7 to 8 hours no stop on his computer.

What happens in treatment for gaming addiction in south korea?

Answer:Try to get the kids to stop playing on there computer

What where some differences you noticed between american culture and korean culture?

Answer: In american culture we play online with friends from all over the country and the in korean culture they play pc games and they eat sitting we eat at a table.

Tech issues Part 6

Me interviewing Joseph

1. what information and images are okay to post? Whats not okay to post?

Answer: Images that are okay to post would be family photos and cartoons. Things that are not okay to post would be images about where you live and nude photos.

2. Have you ever posted something that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?

Answer: NO

3. Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?

Answer: Yes

4. How might things you post online affect your future?

Answer: You would not get into a good job if people see things online that is not good.